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About Us

“Demand creates innovation,” so Focon Inc came into existence with the concept of innovation, offering newer ideas and a unique product range.

At Focon Inc, we deliver the latest treatment concepts with a unique product range and provide consultations in respective segments.

Our eco-friendly range of products has gained confidence and acceptance in India, and we are continuously expanding our reach across the globe. We are highly committed, self-motivated professionals with the concept of “saving lives by avoiding the use of medicine and harmful chemicals.”

In order to maintain the ecological balance between humans, industries, and the environment, we strive to ensure that everything in nature is clean and balanced.

With this concept in mind, Focon Inc began its business operations in 2018 with great aspirations. We are dedicated to delivering our commitments and meeting client expectations in specific segments.


Focon Inc providing the best services.

Poultry Management

Waste Water Treatment
(STP/ETP Correction)

(Hair Growth)

Water Conditioning



Focon Inc providing the best services.

Poultry Management

Waste Water Treatment
(STP/ETP Correction)

(Hair Growth)

Water Conditioning



Our Consultancy

Poultry management without Medicines
& Waste Water Treatment and product placement is accepted
heartfully by our esteemed clients & other companies’ professionals!


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Build your Future Together with Focon Inc

If you want a consultation, so please click to button and connect with us.

यदि आप परामर्श चाहते हैं, तो कृपया बटन पर क्लिक करें और हमसे जुड़ें।

Contact Us

Let's get in touch!

Our Team

Mr. Sumit Maurya

Head Operations

Mrs. Sandhya Rani Maurya

Founder, FOCON Inc.

Clients Testimonials

भोज राम चंद्रा (छत्तीसगढ़, भारत) ब्रायलर पोल्ट्री किसान

पोल्ट्रॉक्सी बहुत ही अच्छा प्रोडक्ट है, मैं लगभग पिछले 2 साल से इस्तेमाल कर रहा हूं I मेरे पोल्ट्री फार्म में अब कोई समस्या नहीं होती है, किसी भी दवाई का इस्तेमाल नहीं करता हूं |

Ravi Dave (Gujrat,India)

I used your two products Hydroton (water softener conditioner) and your specialy innovative hair oil, Both are genuine and giving 100% result....

Murthy G (Bangalore, India)

I'm really very impressed about this oil My Daughter using this oil.. She is happy now and not having hairfall nowadays...

Preeti (Ghaziabad, UP, India) House Maker

I got online contact of FOCON Inc. and discussed about Hair Oil. It's really a good Hair oil. Earlier I have problem of hair fall and Danduff Which was cured completely in just 15 days. I recommend this hair oil to everyone.

Sanjeev Yadav (Shikohabad,UP, India)

ट्रीटोकिल एक बहुत ही अच्छा प्रोडक्ट है मक्खियों को 60 सेकेंड से भी कम समय में मार देता है l एक बार स्प्रे करने के बाद मक्खियां लगातार 7- 8 दिन तक मरती रहती हैं l मैं सभी को बोलना चाहता हूं कि आप भी अपने पोल्ट्री फार्म में ट्रीटोकिल उपयोग करें l

Dinesh Ramakant Maralkar (Nandgoan Maharashtra, India)

I used TREATOKILL, POULTROXY and LARVAXY from Focon Inc Delhi. All products are giving very good results. I am recommending other farmers to use these products, if needed.

Owner, Hotel Samrat (Ludhiana, Punjab, India)

After discussion with the company, I asked company person for installation of Hydrotron at my Hotel. I found this very satisfactory in results. Now having scaling issues controlled by 80% because of Hard Water. No need to clean tiles frequently, No need to clean shower holes frequently, Hot water geyser has lesser scaling... Anyone who have Hard Water issues should use Hydrotron.

शब्बीर अंसारी (बोकारो, झारखंड, भारत)

मैंने कई जगह पोल्ट्रॉक्सी का प्रयोग किया है, बहुत ही अच्छे परिणाम मिलते हैं l फार्म के अंदर बदबू बिल्कुल भी नहीं रहती है, लिटर एकदम सूखा रहता है और मुर्गियों का स्वास्थ्य बहुत ही अच्छा रहता है l पोल्ट्रॉक्सी का स्प्रे करने से ब्रायलर पोल्ट्री फार्म में किसी भी तरह की दवाई की आवश्यकता नहीं होती है l

Dr Vijay Laxmi Veterinary Officer (Uttar Pradesh, India) Veterinary Officer

TREATOKILL is a very good product for fly control. It give very good results. I recommend it to the Dairy farmers and Poultry farmers to use, if needed.

A Seminar of Chhattisgarh

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